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A beautiful woman is smiling after white fillings
White Fillings

Fight tooth loss and rebuild damaged teeth with white fillings that look like the “real thing”

At New Leaf Dental, we feel that all patients in and around Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Mountain Home, Middleton, and Star, Idaho deserve to have smiles of which they can be proud! Our dentists accomplish this by offering a range of durable and natural-looking dental materials to rebuild teeth and precision techniques that conserve the utmost natural tissues.

White fillings – a perfect fit for our office!

White fillings complement our conservative approach to maintaining and restoring teeth. As their name suggests, they are perfectly color-matched to the surrounding tooth structure and natural teeth. They are designed to look like natural teeth, white (and not silver – like traditional fillings made from an amalgam of metals). White fillings are generally shaped from composite resin, a popular plastic-like material. Since they are not made of metals, these fillings are suitable for patients concerned about sensitivities to metals and the potential risks of adverse reactions caused by metallic materials.

Metal-free dental materials are also associated with conservative procedures, which preserve a maximum amount of natural and healthy tooth structure. Dental amalgam and other metals may require drilling away at more of the natural tooth. The less the natural tooth can be altered, the better the outcome for the patient. This approach lends itself well to the lasting strength of the treated tooth and superior aesthetics.

The process

Following a consultation, your dentist may determine that your tooth can be repaired optimally with a white filling or filling alternatives. These alternatives include partial crowns (onlays) or full-coverage crowns. We generally recommend against the placement of large fillings. Since large fillings indicate the presence of significant decay, there is not a lot of natural tooth material for the filling to hold onto; the treated tooth may be at risk of developing decay or reinfection over the long term.

Alternately, some forms of early-stage decay, such as enamel erosion, can be stopped in their tracks and even reversed with preventive services and oral care recommendations. We may suggest the likes of professional products to help remineralize the teeth. For decay-prone back teeth, we may even recommend dental sealants well before the teeth can be damaged by harmful bacteria, lingering food debris, and harmful plaque. In fact, we often recommend sealants as soon as the pre-molars and molars erupt during childhood.

If tooth-colored fillings are suitable for your troublesome teeth, the natural tooth structure and filling are prepared. The filling is applied to the remaining tissue, which is free of damage. It’s like getting a “clean slate.” The resin is introduced to your mouth using conservative techniques. Once the filling has been applied, it is hardened or secured precisely to the natural tooth. When cared for with consistent visits to our practice and good hygiene at home and on the go, you can enjoy your treated tooth without any problems for years to come.

Start the process today by calling New Leaf Dental at (208) 896-2284. We look forward to meeting you and your family!

A beautiful woman is smiling

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